Chancellor of Justice Tuomas Pöysti

Tuomas Pöysti has served as the Chancellor of Justice since 2018. 

Pöysti holds a title of Doctor of Law (1999) and Doctor of Philosophy h.c. (2019) from the University of Lapland. Pöysti also holds the title of Docent in Administrative Law from the University of Helsinki (2001), and the qualifications of Professor of Law and Informatics (2008) and Professor of Administrative Law and Information Law from the University of Lapland (2011).

Before his appointment as the Chancellor of Justice, Pöysti worked as Under-Secretary of State for Governance Policy and Digitalization for the Ministry of Finance (2017), and prior to that as Under-Secretary of State for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2015–2017). In the period 2007–2015, Pöysti served in the position of the President of the Supreme Audit Institution. Before, Pöysti has served as the Government Controller General, served in various public posts involving drafting and development of legislation in the Ministry of Finance, and as a researcher at the Universities of Helsinki and Lapland.

Pöysti has held several chairmanships and memberships in different institutions. Among such positions, Pöysti served as the chair and member of the Supervisory Committee of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) at the European Commission (2013–2016). Pöysti also chaired the executive management group of the health and social services and regional government reforms (2015–2017) as well as the preparatory group for the central government reform (2016–2017).


Chancellor of Justice Tuomas Pöysti smiling and wearing a suit in the Government Palace.