Dr. Pöysti is among well-known academic authorities in Scandinavia on information law and legal informatics with approximately 50 scientific publications and he has been a regular columnist in magazines. Main publications include:
- Tietoturvallisuus ja laki (Information Security and Law, 1997)
- Tehokkuus, informaatio ja eurooppalainen oikeusalue (Efficiency, Information and European Legal Space 1999)
and the following wider articles:
- Luottamuksesta hallinnon automaattiseen päätöksentekoon in Vihervuori, P. et al. (2020) Juhlajulkaisu Pekka Vihervuori 1950–25/8–2020. Helsinki: Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, C 44, 345-360.
- The IIoT and Design for Contextually Relevant Data Protection in Ballardini, R. M. et al. (2019) Regulating Industrial Internet Through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law. Alpen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 183-206
- Trust on Digital Administration and Platforms. (2018) Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 65, 321-366
- Kohti digitaalisen ajan hallinto-oikeutta, (2018) Lakimies 7-8/2018, 868-903
- Information Policy and Citizens’ Communicational Rights as Conditions for Sustainable Fiscal Policy in the European Union, (KnowRi§ht 2012)
- Information Government in Practise: Functional Gains and Legal Perils. (2010) Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 56, 91-124
- Hallintoeettiset toimintasäännöstöt hyvän hallinnon toteuttamisessa (Ethical Codes of Conduct in the realization of Good Administration) in Avoin, tehokas ja riippumaton, Olli Mäenpää 60 vuotta juhlakirja, Edita, Helsinki 2010, 143 – 157.
- Scandinavian Idea of Informational Fairness in Law – Encounters of Scandinavian and European Freedom of Information and Copyright Law. (2007) (candinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 50, 221-248.
- Oikeudellinen tieto ja julkisen toiminnan tehokkuus in Heikki E.S. Mattila – Aino Piehl – Sari Pajula (toim.) (2010): Oikeuskieli ja säädöstieto. Suomenkielinen lakikirja 250 vuotta. Suomalainen laki-miesyhdistys, C-sarja N:0 41, Helsinki, 233 – 259.
- Communicational Quality of Law in Magnusson Sjöberg, C. & Wahlgren, P. (2006) Festskrift till Peter Seipel. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik. 463 - 493
Dr. Pöysti has been additionally regularly official evaluator of the scientific merits and competences for professorships and titles of docent in law and public accounting (University of Helsinki, Turku, Tampere) and appeared regularly as official examiner for PhD Thesis (Universities of Helsinki, Lapland and Tampere) and is a member of the Advisory board of the Scandinavian Studies in Law (Stockholm University).