Integration and Digitalization are the drivers of the economy of wellbeing and the essential elements of a fair balance of rights in the future of health and social services

Publication date 26.9.2019 12.18
Type:Press release

The Chancellor of Justice of the Government of Finland, Dr. Tuomas Pöysti delivered a speech at the joint meeting of the EU Chief Medical ad Dental Officers and Directors of Pharmaceutic Policy, Helsinki 26 September 2019.

The Chancellor addressed the service integration and digitalization as fundamental drivers of change in social and health care and, also as solutions to the challenge of ensuring equal access to high standard of health and social protection.

Service integration is one of the most promising ways to improve client & patient service, improve equality in health and the cost-effectiveness of social and health services. The service integration is practically realised on the digital platforms and in a service network and ecosystem based on them. Platform and ecosystem model seem to be also the foundation for the economy of wellbeing. To achieve that on a fair bases some common principles of data centred platforms and ecosystems should be followed.

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